Health Benefits Of A Standing Workstation


There are many benefits to a standing workstationThere is no question that sitting too much or remaining sedentary for long periods of time is unhealthy. New research has been encouraging us to get up and walk around more often during the day, or sitting could actually result in an early death or other serious health problems. Plus, sitting for too long can result in back, neck, or leg pain. Thankfully, standing desks are becoming more and more popular, and they are more affordable than you may think.

If you sit all day long at work, for eight hours or longer, you may want to consider purchasing a standing desk. While you shouldn’t stand all day or it can be tough on your knees, you should stand at least three extra hours per day than you already do. This alone can add an extra two years to your life. If you don’t have a standing desk, try getting up every half hour and walking around for a few minutes, and do as many things standing up as possible. Take the long way to the restroom and use the stairs whenever possible. Park your car further away in parking lots and enjoy a brisk walk to your destination.

If you are able to invest in a standing desk, you will be glad you did. Exercise alone cannot make up for the negative effects of sitting for long periods of time, so standing more and sitting less is the best option. Try building your own standing desk if you don’t have the funds for purchasing a new desk. All you need is a comfortable stool for the times that you do choose to sit during the day, a stack of books or block of wood to place your monitor on, and another stack of books to hold a tray for your keyboard. Of course, you can buy these items as well and they are still relatively inexpensive. There are also plenty of DIY standing desk ideas online, so find one that works for you!

Sitting for extended periods of time can increase your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and early death, even if you exercise and eat well. Exercising and eating well do not make up for the many hours spent sitting each day, so the only way to change this is by sitting less and standing more. Plus, standing burns twice as many calories as sitting so the more you stand during the day, the more calories you will burn!

Sitting for too long can wreak havoc on your posture and can be downright painful. If you sit all day at work and are dealing with the painful effects of sitting for long periods of time, you may benefit from chiropractic care. Premier Health Chiropractors can help!

2015 Archive Healthy Living