Who Are Your People?


Wellness Wednesday – Who Are Your People?






Posted by Kelsey Chmiel on Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Hello, you guys. Welcome to this week’s Wellness Wednesday. Today, I kind of wanted to talk about having an attitude of gratitude. So today is Office Administrators Day along with Earth Day. But I wanted to really take a special note to celebrate Office Administrators Day because especially with the pandemic going around, I don’t think a lot of our office admin are really being fully appreciated and celebrated.

I know that we’ve been spending a lot of time focusing on celebrating all of the incredible hard workers in the healthcare industry and delivery drivers and mail careers and people in and the grocery stores. I mean, the list can continue, which is incredible. And obviously we need to be celebrating and appreciating them. And I’m not taking that away at all. I just want to make sure that we’re also saying a huge thank you to everyone who’s behind the scenes, who’s making the ability for these people, including myself, to be able to work.

Because I know a huge ability to keep my doors open is due to the fact that I’ve got an incredible team. The fact that I have a team who helps to keep my clinic clean, who helps to make sure that everything is sanitized up and down to the T, who’s checking in with all of our incredible patients day in and day out. It is 100% in part due to our amazing team. And I want to put a big shout-out to that, not just because I’m very grateful for them, but for most of us, we spend the majority of our lives with our work people. Right now it’s a little bit different, where so many people are working from home.

But we always joke that our work family is almost more of a family than our real family is because we spend so much time with them. Not that we obviously don’t love our biological families and whatnot. But the truth of the matter is, is we become a combination of the five people that we spend the most amount of time with. And if you think about it, we’re spending the most amount of time with our work people. So think about that.

And that’s a huge thing that I think is important to focus on because if the people that you’re working with are really helping you to level up, which in my instance, I’m very grateful that my team is so focused on continuing to grow and expand who they are as humans to help to grow and expand the clinic. That’s something to be grateful for. And especially right now where so many people are kind of in an unknown state or working from home, making sure that you’re checking in and showing that appreciation to your people, it’s huge, and it’s important.

And also to make sure that you are looking for the positives in those people. And looking to those traits and those qualities that you admire. Because if you have someone that you work with or that’s on a team in your business that you, that’s a trait or a quality that you admire, reach out to them. These are people that you have access to all the time. And it’s a great way to help up-level yourself and express that gratitude. Because right now I think gratitude and expressing that is something that can’t be done enough.

Right now it’s really easy to focus on what we’re missing out on, all the things that we wish we could be doing. But I think it’s really important to be focusing on what else we’re gaining, the fact that we’re gaining all of these new opportunities to find creative ways to connect with people, to connect with family, to connect with friends. I can honestly say, I’ve never had brunch on Easter with my family until this year, and that was a really cool, odd, unique experience.

But to know that that is always a way, using Zoom, to connect with my family if I’m either not feeling well, or I can’t get down to them, to just have a meal with them on social media or via some sort of technological outlet. It’s been a really eyeopening experience. And I think the more that we’re able to share those positivities and those gratitudes, the more it’ll be easier to not focus on all the things that we’re missing out on. Because, yeah, there’s going to be those negative sides of it. But if we can show our appreciation for all of the people that have made our days and made this experience better, that’s what’s really going to get us through. And that’s what’s going to make all of us stronger.

So that’s kind of a little bit of a different Wellness Wednesday, but I think it’s a very important thing because when we’re filled with gratitude, that’s when we can really enjoy true happiness. So, again, a huge shout-out to my incredible team because this clinic and this experience would not be nearly what it is without them. So I’m beyond grateful to them, and I really encourage everybody to give shout-outs to all of their team members and all of their people, even if it’s not in a strict business setting. It could be your family team because everybody deserves that shout-out. So have a great week, you guys. And I’ll check in with you next week. Bye.


2020 Archive Healthy Living