What Is Leaky Gut?


Chances are, you have probably never heard of leaky gut before. Leaky gut is a newer term used to describe a combination of symptoms that range from food allergies to digestive issues to hormonal imbalances. Symptoms usually include aches, pains, bloating, gas, and multiple food sensitivities.

Leaky gut isn’t taught in medical school and it’s a term most commonly used in holistic health. Instead of visiting your family physician for symptoms that could very well be the result of leaky gut, consider chiropractic care and natural, non-invasive methods.

Instead of dealing with the nasty side effects brought on by prescription medications, you can heal leaky gut in a natural way. Through the elimination of foods that you are intolerant to and by adding supplements and probiotics to your daily routine, you can begin to heal the lining of the gut.

If you suffer from symptoms of IBS, seasonal allergies, hormonal balances, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, ADD, or skin issues, you may have leaky gut. People who have been diagnosed with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, lupus, celiac disease, or psoriasis could also be dealing with leaky gut.

If you do discover that you are battling leaky gut, you will first need to eliminate the foods that are causing inflammation. These foods could include wheat, gluten, grains, soy, dairy, eggs, or corn. Eliminating the foods that are causing you symptoms is the most important step in healing leaky gut.

Stress can also be a major culprit in the cause of leaky gut. Chiropractic care can help. Whether you come in for a chiropractic adjustment, massage therapy, ice-heat therapy, or nutritional counseling, chiropractic care can help to ease your stress and painful symptoms by reducing inflammation in the body.

Exercise can also help to reduce inflammation in the body. If you have symptoms of leaky gut, you may benefit from exercising for 20-30 minutes per day, 4-5 times per week. Yoga and meditation are also great ways to wind down after a stressful day.

As your body heals, you will need to choose organic fruits, vegetables, and proteins whenever possible. Healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, and coconut oil are also effective in treating leaky gut. Try adding coconut oil to your coffee or tea, add avocados to your wraps or salads, and drizzle steamed vegetables with olive oil.

If you have any questions about leaky gut or any other issue that may be causing you pain, fatigue, or food allergies, contact Premier Health Chiropractors today. We can help to find the best treatment options fit for you and your family. If you have never tried chiropractic care, now may be the perfect time to give it a try and see what it can do for you!

2015 Archive Healthy Living