Vitamin D Deficiencies and What You Can Do


Most people think about poor posture and other physical causes when it comes to back pain, but recent research has actually shown that there could be a link between back pain and a Vitamin D deficiency. If you are someone who has visited the chiropractor on multiple occasions and simply cannot figure out how to achieve back pain relief, then you may want to look at your own diet and lifestyle. Many chiropractic clinics are now talking about the importance of Vitamin D when it comes to back pain relief, so more research into the link between Vitamin D and the back is definitely worth your time.

The researchers who found this association between Vitamin D and back pain actually noticed it in people who were not responding to normal forms of treatment that you would normally get from a chiropractor. It seemed that the common theme among people who could not cure their back problems was that they were deficient in Vitamin D. This could shed light on the reason as to why back problems around the country have skyrocketed since 2009. Vitamin D levels have also been declining because people have moved into lifestyles where they do not get outside and eat the right kinds of foods during the day.

If you have been in and out of chiropractic clinics for the past few years, then you may want to look into boosting your own levels of Vitamin D. The best source of Vitamin D is actually found in your own body, but you have to activate this untapped source of Vitamin D by getting some sun during the day. Even if it is cloudy outside, you should still try to stay out there for at least thirty minutes to an hour each day to boost your levels of Vitamin D. There are certain foods that also contain high levels of Vitamin D, but the best and most effective method of getting this essential vitamin into your body is by simply getting outside more often. If you would also like to look at other ways to get more Vitamin D, then you may want to look into drinking milk, which is fortified with Vitamin D, or salmon. Salmon is actually an amazing source of Vitamin D, and it often gets overlooked in the debate over the best sources of this vitamin.

Anyone who is suffering from back pain should always be on the lookout for anything that could help them relieve their issues, so getting outside is definitely a good way to go. Even if you do not notice any back pain relief when you go outside more often, you will still be improving your overall health by getting outside from time to time.

2021 Archive Healthy Living