Tracking The Amount Of Steps You Take In A Day


If you work at a desk all day and aren’t getting up or moving around, it can be tough to get in enough steps each day. Experts say that 10,000 steps per day is an ideal amount, but it may seem like an awful amount of steps for people who are currently getting much less than that. Instead of striving to reach 10,000 steps right away, strive to double the amount of steps that you currently take in one day. There’s always room for improvement!

An easy way to track the amount of steps you take each day is to purchase a pedometer or install a fitness tracker application on your phone. You can set a goal to reach a certain amount of steps each day and you will be alerted when you have reached this goal. A good place to start is 5,000 steps per day. At the least, aim to double the amount of steps that you currently walk in one day.

Now that you’ve set a goal, you need to figure out how you can possibly take that many steps in one day. If you’re unable to go walking, biking, or running before or after work, there are some ways you can get your steps in throughout the day, such as:

  •         Go walking over your lunch break as many times a week as possible
  •         If you have a dog, try walking him in the morning and in the evening
  •         Use the stairs whenever possible and avoid escalators and elevators
  •         When parking your car, park as far away from the store as possible
  •         Whenever possible, walk or bike to your destination rather than drive
  •         Walk around the house or office when talking on the phone
  •         Join a walking club
  •         Instead of sitting in a waiting room, get up and walk around
  •         On the weekends, get up and move around as much as possible
  •         Schedule a work out or walk into your calendar

While it may seem impossible at first, you will begin to see just how easy it is to add more steps into your day. You should aim to get around 150 minutes of physical activity each week, and walking more can help you to reach this goal.

Learn more about the dangers of sitting and not getting enough exercise by reading our blog post.

For more information about fitness and nutrition, please contact Premier Health Chiropractors. Not only can we assist you with your chiropractic needs, but we can help you to develop a fitness and healthy eating plan as well. Our licensed chiropractors offer many different services to assist you with a wide range of issues and conditions. Contact us today and start feeling great in no time!


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