Six Foods That Can Help To Heal Your Back Pain


During the holidays, it can be hard to maintain healthy eating habits, and we often wait until the New Year before we dive into our healthy eating resolutions. However, if you want to feel good during your holiday celebrations, you need to eat healthy, especially when you are already dealing with ongoing back pain.

Nobody wants to go shopping for gifts with an aching back, and you don’t want to throw your back out while shoveling snow from the driveway just before guests arrive. While it can be a pain to give up your favorite foods for healthy foods, it’s much easier than dealing with pain in your back!

Thankfully, there are six naturally delicious foods out there that can help you heal your back pain in the fastest way. Plus, many of these foods can easily be slipped into your breakfasts, dinners, or holiday favorites. With very little effort, you will enjoy strengthened muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints, while also improving your overall health and weight!

Turmeric, which is part of the ginger family, is a natural anti-inflammatory and can work just as well as anti-inflammatory medications, but without the nasty side effects. Turmeric is also a great treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Turmeric can be taken in pill or powder form, but it can serve as an excellent addition to many meals or dips, especially when you want to give a food a nice yellow hue.

Pineapple contains powerful anti-inflammatory enzymes to help the body heal. Benefits are only present in fresh pineapple rather than canned, and organic is preferred. Enjoy fresh pineapple with your breakfast, squeeze it into a juice, throw it on the grill, or enjoy it as a snack.

Garlic is an excellent anti-inflammatory. It is also used to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and helps to reduce the risk of cancer. Add garlic to your meals to enjoy many of its great benefits.

Green Tea is a powerful antioxidant and helps to detoxify toxic compounds in the body. Plus, green tea can act as a stress reliever. Aim to drink 2-3 glasses of green tea per day to provide the body with healthy cells and a healthy heart and brain. Green tea can even help to destroy cancer cells in the body while also helping to increase your metabolism. Replace a daily can of soda with green tea and save over 50,000 calories in a year!

Berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, acai berries, cranberries, and blackberries contain antioxidants which help the body control inflammation. These berries also help to enhance the immune system. Buy organic whenever possible to avoid chemical residues and pesticides, which can create other nasty problems in the body!

It may sound obvious to list water, but plenty of people don’t drink enough water on a daily basis. A lack of water can lead to chronic muscle spasm, a sluggish metabolism, and increased blood viscosity. These can contribute to poor healing and inflammation. Water is the best thing for your body!

If you work these wonderful foods into your daily diet, you will make the holidays, as well as every other day, much more enjoyable! Try it and see for yourself.

2022 Archive Healthy Living