Should You Quit Sugar?


The average American consumes approximately 120 grams of sugar each day. The World Health Organization advises that only 5 percent of daily calories come from sugar, and this percentage probably seems unattainable for many.

Have you ever wondered whether you should completely cut out sugar? Not just cane sugar, but also other sugars or artificial sweeteners such as sucrose, acesulfame potassium, aspartame, high-fructose corn syrup, neotame, saccharin, sucralose, cane syrup, or evaporated cane juice.

At least one or two of these ingredients are likely present in many of the products you purchase from the grocery store. While it’s difficult to cut sugars out of your diet right away, it’s a process that you will eventually get used to. Once you start reading labels, you won’t even think twice about it!

If you’re interested in cutting back on sugar, there are a few things you should know. First of all, you should be aware that you may go through sugar withdrawals. Since sugars are added to most store-bought foods, even organic items or foods that have not been genetically modified, your body is used to consuming sugar on a regular basis.

When you stop consuming something that you have been consuming for so long, your body goes through changes. You may already experience some of these symptoms after your body crashes after eating too much sugar.

Some of these symptoms may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Low energy
  • Depression
  • Bloating
  • Temporary weight gain
  • Overeating
  • Hunger

However, these symptoms will be short lived and you will soon start to notice many great benefits:

  • Your skin will improve, and you will experience less acne
  • You will have more energy
  • You’ll stop craving sugar
  • You’ll be able to control your portions more easily
  • You’ll get full faster
  • Your weight will stabilize
  • You’ll sleep better and feel better overall
  • You’ll protect your body from cancers, heart disease, and other diseases or medical conditions

During a detox, it can be beneficial to have support from others. Premier Health Chiropractors can provide you with the support you need. Contact us today and we’ll help you to transform your eating habits and lifestyle so that you will be feeling better in no time.

Giving up sugar doesn’t mean missing out on sweet treats or baked goods. When you give up sugar, you can enjoy organic maple syrup, stevia, coconut sugar, honey, or agave syrup in moderation. These natural sweeteners don’t mess with your glucose levels like other types of sugars do. While they can sometimes be more expensive than refined white sugars or artificial sweeteners, you will find that a little bit goes a long way and you won’t experience that nasty sugar crash after consuming them.

Try cutting back on sugar this summer and your body will thank you for it!

2024 Healthy Living