Ways To Prepare For Running Season


Whether you’re new to running or maybe you’ve completed several marathons in the past, months of being cooped up indoors or taking it easy on the couch can call for some serious preparation before the big race. 5k walks or runs both call for some warming up before they actually take place, and running season is right around the corner.

When you suffer from back pain, running or even walking can be tough to manage. With the help of an experienced chiropractor at Premier Health Chiropractors, you can participate in a race without that agonizing back pain.

Exercise is important on a daily basis and while training for a race. Exercise at least three days per week and vary your workouts so you are training different parts of the body. Run for three days and use the other days for resting or for working on muscle strengthening and stretching. On running days, try a fast-paced but short run on day one, a longer but moderate run on day two, and run a longer distance at a slow pace on day three.

Like any workout, be sure to warm up before each exercise and stretch after exercising. Remember to keep yourself hydrated and take breaks when needed. Listen to your body and take a break if you feel aches and pains or feel light-headed at all.

Several weeks before the race, consider completing a detox diet or a three-day cleanse. A three-day cleanse helps you clean up your eating habits, it removes toxins, and improves your energy and overall health. It will cut cravings and get you on the right path to weight loss and feeling great. Just remember to stick with the healthy eating, especially leading up to the race!

For the three days leading up to the race, you will also want to increase your carbohydrate intake so that your total daily caloric intake will consist of 70 to 80 percent carbohydrates. Start by eating complex carbohydrates on day one of three, such as whole grains and whole wheat pastas. On day two, eat simple carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta, and on day three, choose foods that are easy to digest, such as spaghetti with plain red sauce. Avoid sauces with dairy or creams. But most importantly—stay hydrated and drink plenty of water!

Since you won’t be able to drink a lot during the actual race, be sure to drink 16 oz. of water two hours before the race. This will keep you hydrated well into the event. During the race, drink 4-8 oz. of water every hour. It is also not recommended to drink a sports drink during the race if you haven’t already been drinking it during training. The day of the race is not the time to change your eating or drinking habits!

With these tips, you will be ready for your race in no time. If you are looking for chiropractic care before or after the race, call Premier Health Chiropractors and we will be happy to assist you.

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