Organic Gardening Tips


Starting a garden at home is one of the easiest ways to ensure that you always have healthy foods on hand. Plus, you know exactly how your food was grown and can feel great knowing that no pesticides or fertilizers were used while growing your garden.

If you’re planning on starting a garden at home, we can help to ensure that your garden is as organic as possible. If you aren’t able to plant your own garden but still want to eat locally grown, check out our blog post on shopping organic at farmers’ markets.

Gardening is good for the mind and body. It’s a hobby that gets your body moving, and it can also be therapeutic as well. Most importantly, gardening reminds you to eat your fruits and vegetables! It’s easy to forget about your store-bought greens before they go bad, but you won’t want to toss the foods that you worked so hard to grow on your own.

To create a home garden that is free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), there are a few steps you need to take. While you can keep your plants free of chemicals when they are planted in your yard, you can’t always be sure that your plants are free of GMOs at the time of purchasing them. If you purchase plants at large retail stores such as Lowes or Home Depot, it’s difficult to know where and how the plants were grown.

To ensure GMO-free plants, it’s best to visit a local nursery since they grow their own plants on site and can tell you exactly where the seeds came from and what chemicals were used (or not used) during growing. Some smaller nurseries may not have the funding to become certified organic, but they may use organic growing methods. It’s best to ask questions to get the answers you are looking for.

If you’d like to take it one step further, you can always create a home nursery, a place you set up to grow plants started by seeds. The nursery can be as small or large as you’d like, but preferably near a hose. Larger nurseries may require grow lights and automatic irrigation.

When you purchase seeds for an organic garden, you’ll want to make sure that the seeds are free of GMOs. Look for seeds that come from companies that have taken the Safe Seed Pledge.

Creating an organic home garden can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. GMOs can cause side effects such as allergies, diseases, and nutritional problems. GMOs can also cause inflammation in the body, so organic foods are especially important for people fighting off disease or illness.

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