It’s Time to Go Back To School


You probably wouldn’t dream of sending your child back to school without a dental appointment and an annual physical, so don’t make the mistake of forgoing chiropractic care. Chiropractic manipulation can help your child sleep better, perform better at sports and even excel in the classroom.

Spinal misalignment is quite common and may not necessarily be painful. Neither you or your child may notice the issue until there is a significant injury or strain. While chiropractic manipulation cannot treat any diseases, it can relieve the misalignment and allow the body to work at peak efficiency. This is especially important in growing bodies.

The nervous system is responsible for every action the body takes. It is an information superhighway that runs from the brain to every point of the body. The spine acts as a hub, carrying all of this information in both directions. When one of the discs or vertebrae is not in its proper place, the information may not reach its destination in a timely fashion. This can cause sleep disruptions, lethargy, pain and difficulty concentrating. None of these things are conducive to excelling as a student or an athlete.

Chiropractic adjustments are best started young, before the bones and ligaments in the back try to compensate for poor alignment. Many of the complaints that adults suffer from, such as poor posture and back pain, are caused by poor spinal alignment that has never been corrected. The nerves becomes stressed over time and are not working at optimal efficiency. If nerve damage has occurred, chiropractic manipulation may not be able to undo all the damage for an adult.

The nervous system also has a huge impact on the body’s immune system. If your child frequently gets colds or falls ill with every childhood disease to sweep through the school, having a well-tuned nervous system can make a huge difference in the immune response. While of course a healthy diet and plenty of exercise are essential to a healthy immune system, having a perfectly aligned spine and a razor-sharp nervous system will help dramatically.

Children should receive chiropractic care in order to be at their best. Concentration, sleeping patterns, immune response and even your child’s future health depend upon it.

2021 Archive Healthy Living