How to Make Exercising More Exciting


We are only about a month into the New Year and many of us may have already given up on our New Year’s resolutions. If exercising or going to the gym was on your list of resolutions but you are already falling behind on your goals, let us help. There are plenty of ways to make exercising more exciting so that you won’t want to give up just yet!

Exercising can be a pain, especially after a long day at work or on the weekend when you just want to relax. Try to bribe yourself into exercising by buying yourself some fun new workout gear. Whether you splurge on a pair of comfortable running shoes, a colorful new yoga mat, or you buy a nice new workout outfit, it may make it a little easier to get yourself to the gym.

Set rewards for yourself by telling yourself that you can have a snack after you’ve put in a certain amount of hours at the gym each week. Maybe you’ll treat yourself to a piece of cake after a few visits to the gym, or maybe you’ll keep healthy treats around for after each workout. There are plenty of healthy snacks that you can make which are perfect for snacking on after your workout.

If the hardest part about working out is when you’re actually at the gym, it might be because you’re bored with your usual workout routine. If this is the case, bring a movie to watch on your phone or iPad, create a fun playlist that will get you moving, or bring in a good book or magazine.

If you’re bored with the routine of going to the gym and using exercising equipment or lifting weights, try a class instead. Join a spinning class or stop in for yoga or Pilates. Make it even better by inviting a friend.

If you’re really dragging at the gym, it might be beneficial to pitch in the extra money for a personal trainer. Having someone to show you the ropes and cheer for you can be very motivational and it might be the push you need.

If you can’t afford a personal trainer, opt for a fitness app instead. Apps are available to set times for you, count calories, and even show you different workout routines. Even just a little bit of guidance can be helpful.

If you are struggling with conquering your New Year’s resolutions and would like extra help with getting in shape, please contact Premier Health Chiropractors. We offer a wide variety of services to improve your physical health and well-being. Contact us today!

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