Getting Back to Normal


Wellness Wednesday – Getting Back to “Normal”

Hey guys, welcome to this week’s Wellness Wednesday. Today I wanted to talk a little bit about getting back into your routine or getting back into your new normal, because with more things opening up, people going back to their workplaces, going back to the gym, and trying to go back to life before quarantine, it’s been really interesting to see what kind of an effect that’s been having on the body and our mentality. I know a lot of people, and I’m going to use the gym for an example here, a lot of people have been going back in and going back in as if nothing really changed. If you think about it, typically if we’re going to go start a workout routine or a gym routine we’re going in with the mindset that we’re going to start where we’re at and then build and build and improve and improve.

When quarantine happened, a lot of people who were really working hard in the gym had this certain fitness level and then maintained a lot of what they were doing at home, but workouts at home are different than workouts in the gym and so going back into the gym, I’ve noticed a lot of people are going at that same intensity that they were prior and they’re experiencing a different level of soreness or a different level of injury, because, well there can be a lot of reasons, but a lot of it can be we’re not used to having to go a step backwards even if you’ve been maintaining what we consider to be a consistent fitness level or activity level, because it’s not the same. When we go to a different type of workout or a different type of routine it changes how our body responds to it.

So going back to the gym, going back to work, whether it’s being a stylist, being a server. It’s a different stress on the body, and it’s really important to listen to our body and not push too hard, and let your body guide what it’s okay with, because for a lot of it there’s a little bit of an ego to it. Being like, “No, I know I can do it.” But we’re going to get a lot more out of what we’re doing if we just listen to our body. And yeah, there’s going to be some soreness that’s associated too, which is normal, but as long as you’re taking care of your body, you’re resting, you’re recovering, treating it well and not letting our egos get the best of us being like, “No, I’m going to lift exactly what I did prior.” But letting yourself kind of ease back into where you were, that’s where we’re going to see the best progress with the least amount of reinjury.

So just a little bit of a reminder, because I feel like this is a little bit of a different situation than most people are used to when it comes to getting into a gym experience, and so I just wanted to make sure I was addressing that, because this is something that we’ve been seeing in the clinic a lot. So I hope everybody’s having a great week and I will check in with you guys next week. Bye.


2020 Archive Healthy Living