How To Fight The Common Cold This Fall

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It’s the time of the year where the seasons are changing, and so is our health. If it’s not seasonal allergies, it’s the common cold. However, there are plenty of precautions that you can take to decrease your risk of coming down with a cold, or ways to get rid of it faster. Follow some of our tips and hopefully you’ll steer clear of the common cold this fall!

Rather than racing to the drugstore for the most popular cold medication, rely on natural remedies and boost your immune system at the same time. Cold medications are just a temporary fix, but natural methods help to strengthen your immune system for the long term, and there are little to no side effects.

Oil of Oregano is great at helping you to get rid of a cold before it even starts. When you first start to feel a cold coming on, try taking 3-4 drops of Oil of Oregano at least 2-3 times per day until the cold is gone. Try this every time you start to feel a cold coming on and see how well it works for you! Oil of Oregano can easily be found at a local health food store or vitamin or supplement store. The taste isn’t pleasant, so keep a bottle of water handy!

Many people swear by herbal tea, and when you’re doing your best to keep a nasty cold from ruining your week, a cup of tea is a quick and easy fix. Try a cup of Cold Season tea by Yogi brand, which is packed with the herbs Ayurveda-Ginger, Cardamom, Cinnamon, and Clove to support nasal and bronchial function. Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Basil help to make breathing easier. If you feel a cold coming on, drink 3 cups per day, or one cup every one to four hours. To keep yourself healthy during the cold weather season, drink 2-3 cups every day.

While these are obvious, we tend to forget that the little things can keep us healthy and feeling great, such as drinking water, hand washing, exercising, getting enough sleep, keeping our stress levels to a minimum, eating fruits and vegetables, and avoiding cigarette smoke.

If you find yourself catching every cold that come around, consider increasing your supplement intake. Try adding Echinacea, Goldenseal and Grapefruit Seed Extract to your daily routine and take Vitamin C and Zinc when you feel a cold coming on.

If natural and holistic methods are a better fit for you than pain medications and prescriptions, visit Premier Health Chiropractors. Whether you are dealing with a sports injury or back and neck pain, Premier Health Chiropractors can help you to feel great during the winter months ahead.

2022 Archive Healthy Living