Consider Chiropractic Care Instead of Surgery


Surgery for back pain relief should only be considered as a last option when all other methods have failed. Chiropractic care can be better than surgery since it is much less invasive, expensive and risky. There is also no recovery time that causes the patient to miss work, school or other activities. Both children and adults benefit from this natural healing method.

Back pain can result from an accident, disease, arthritis, heavy lifting or how a person walks or sits. Chiropractic treatment helps the body heal itself by reducing the pressure and pain on nerves and muscles. Sessions may make a person slightly sore, but most patients feel very relaxed as they experience a reduced level of discomfort or pain.

Chiropractic adjustments realign vertebrae and release pinched nerves. This manipulation is achieved while the patient is lying face down or sitting on a special table or chair. Specialized hand-held equipment or the doctor’s own hands achieve the desired results. Traction may also be used to gently reposition misalignment and relieve pressure.

Muscle stimulation uses electrical impulses to wake up nerves that are numb or not as responsive as they should be. Soft tissue manipulation massages, relaxes and stretches muscles and joints to reduce pain and discomfort. This method works out any hard knots caused by tight muscles.

Acupuncture is the art of healing that has been used by the Chinese for centuries. This method inserts needles in areas experiencing pain to stimulate nearby nerves. This procedure returns the healthy flow of energy throughout the body by promoting the release of endorphins to block pain and serotonin to improve the patient’s mood and outlook. Hundreds of acupuncture points within the body are connected by adjoining pathways. Back pain is witnessed when these pathways are blocked by inflammation or tightness. Many patients find this is an effective alternative to prescription pain medication.

Untreated back pain can lead to headaches, lack of sleep, vertigo and further health issues. Before heading to the operating table, sufferers should turn to chiropractic care. Many one-time disbelievers have had their opinion changed after just a few visits to their local chiropractor. The patient’s quality of life is improved, and they often return to maintain their positive well being.

Contact Premier Health Chiropractors today to find an alternative that’s right for you.

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