Combat Sitting Disease By Standing More Every Day

There are many benefits to a standing workstation

Sitting for long periods of time is not only bad for the body, but it can contribute to overall poor health, lack of energy, and weight gain. Recently, there has even been talk of a new disease called “sitting disease,” which can actually remove two years from a person’s life. If you sit for most of your work day and then spend your evenings sitting on the couch watching television, sitting disease could become a real problem. Plus, sitting and slouching over is hard on the back and can lead to painful back and neck problems.

To improve your overall health and increase your life expectancy, reduce sitting to less than three hours per day and reduce television time to less than two hours per day. This can be difficult when you work on a computer all day. However, there are several ways to avoid sitting all day. Start by getting up and walking around when you take a phone call, or stand at your desk as much as possible, especially if you are reading or going through emails. Another option is to talk to your employer about a treadmill desk or a standing workstation.

Sit-standing desks can be ideal because they allow you to sit down and stand up in half hour increments. Exercise balls can also be beneficial because they help you to improve your posture and balance, while also working your core. However, added exercise time is not the solution for sitting disease, because the real problem is sitting too often. The only way to combat sitting disease and the harsh consequences of sitting is to simply sit less.

Research shows that people who sit all day could share the same risk of having a heart attack as a person who smokes. If you think about how often you sit on a daily basis, it makes total sense. A person usually sits in the morning while they eat breakfast, in the car or bus on the way to work, at their desk at work, in the cafeteria as they eat lunch, in the car on the way home from work, at the dinner table, and in the evening while watching television. Try to do as many activities standing up as you can, whether you read a book while standing, go on more walks or runs, or just take turns sitting and standing up every half hour.

Sitting is tough on the body, and it can be especially hard on your back and neck. Visit a chiropractor at Premier Health Chiropractors and experience the many benefits of chiropractic care. We can help you to feel your best while also helping you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Call us today!

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