Chiropractic Adjustments Relieve Stress and Tension


Chronic stress can wreak havoc on the body. Back pain, muscle tightness, tension headaches, fatigue, and neck pain are some of the symptoms people experience when under stress. Over time, stress lowers the immune system, which makes the body more vulnerable to disease. Chiropractic treatments help relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of chronic stress. In addition, regular chiropractic adjustments can soothe the nervous system, and lessen the flight or fight response most people experience when stressed.

Chiropractors can relieve stress and tensionThe spinal column serves as a switchboard for the nervous system. Messages from the brain make their way down the spinal cord. From there, the messages are sent to various parts of the body. Due to this important role, chiropractic work on and around the spinal column can help alleviate the common ailments associated with stress.

When someone is under chronic stress, muscles tense and contract. Sometimes, people grip their muscles in an unnatural position. For example, someone experiencing chronic stress may unconsciously hold their neck to one side, or hold one hip higher than the other. This action creates pressure, which weighs on the bones. Eventually, the bones will cave under this unnatural pressure and become misaligned. When under stress, people often move their bodies in improper ways. These movements compound the problem.

In addition, chronic stress can also cause nerves to become dysfunctional. The result is shooting pains or numbness in various areas of the body.

Chiropractic adjustments help to relieve stress in several ways. The act of adjusting the spine can release the tension held in muscles, which relaxes the body and increases circulation of the blood. This action can help soothe the flight or fight response of the body.

Adjustments to the neck and spine move the bones back into proper order. Proper alignment is important in removing the pressure placed on muscles and bones, and eradicating nerve pain. For many patients, the relief of pain can immediately reduce emotional stress. Proper alignment can provide relief from tension headaches and other physical pains.

Premier Health Chiropractors oftentimes incorporate massage into patient visits. Massage relieves tension held in muscles, which helps to return the body into a natural state of alignment.

Proper nutrition is important in managing tension. Premier Health Chiropractors counsel patients on nutritional deficiencies. For example, vitamin B has been shown to soothe the body’s flight or fight response. A chiropractor may recommend that patients take vitamin B or other supplements to create a more relaxed state in the body.

Improper movements can quickly throw the body back in to a place of misalignment. Chiropractors often advise patients on how to move properly to keep the spine aligned. They can also counsel patients on ways to sit and stretch to reduce joint pain.

Relaxation techniques are also a powerful in soothing the flight or fight response. These techniques activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Activating the parasympathetic nervous system calms the body and mind. Chiropractors can counsel patients on various relaxation techniques, like meditation and deep breathing. Employing these techniques wil go a long way in reducing stress over time.

For more tips on how Premier Health Chiropractors can relieve your stress and tension, contact your local Premier Health Chiropractor clinic today.

2021 Archive Healthy Living