Prevent Injury While Shoveling Snow


Prevent back injuries while shoveling snowThe temperatures are falling and snow is covering the ground, which means it’s that time of the year when shoveling snow becomes a daily or weekly routine. Shoveling snow can be a dangerous and strenuous task for people who don’t have access to a snow blower or plow for their driveways and sidewalks, and it is important to use precautions when shoveling snow. People over the age of 55 are especially at risk for injury while shoveling snow.

Slips and falls are common while shoveling snow, but heart problems are the major issue. The combination of cold weather and physical exertion can increase the heart’s workload. People should avoid lifting a heavy shovel full of snow, and instead lift lighter loads of snow. Even using a smaller shovel can be helpful. Also, pushing the snow instead of lifting it up and throwing it is another way to avoid physical exertion.

The American Heart Association advises people to take frequent breaks when shoveling snow, and to avoid eating a heavy meal before or right after shoveling snow. Alcohol should also be avoided before and after shoveling.

Always be aware of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, so you can be prepared if you feel a heart attack coming on. Call an ambulance if you ever feel chest discomfort that feels like squeezing, fullness or pain, or if you have discomfort in other areas of the upper body. These symptoms could include pain in the arms, jaw, neck, back, or stomach. Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort is another red flag, as well as breaking out into a cold sweat, or feeling nauseous, or feeling lightheaded. If you are ever concerned, call an ambulance!

When it comes to shoveling snow, injuries are quite common. On average, there are around 11,500 injuries each year, just from shoveling snow alone! Shoveling snow can lead to broken bones, head injuries, and bad backs. If you have suffered from a snow-related injury, please contact Premier Health Chiropractors. We are specialized in treating snow-related injuries and we are here to help.

Most often, snow-related injuries involve overworking the muscles, falling, or being hit with the shovel. Lower back injuries are common, as well as ligament, tendon, muscle, and other soft tissue injuries. Cuts and broken bones are also common.

If you have suffered an injury while shoveling snow, or maybe even from falling on the ice, contact Premier Health Chiropractors. With our offices being located in Minnesota, our licensed and experienced chiropractors are used to injuries that accompany living in a cold, snowy state. We are here to help you in a natural and holistic way. Call us today, and stay safe and warm this winter!

2014 Archive Healthy Living