It’s Time To Go Back To School, Choose The Right Backpack To Avoid Back Pain


Students are headed back to school, and whether you’re shopping for a child or a college student, backpacks can make the day a lot easier, or a lot more difficult. You need a bag that doesn’t cause pain in your shoulders, neck, or back. Choose the right backpack during your back to school shopping and fight any back or neck pain.

if you’re struggling with the decision to buy a backpack, shoulder bag, or messenger bag, go with the backpack. Backpacks are best for carrying notebooks and textbooks, and they are best at preventing injuries. Backpacks help to evenly distribute weight across your body, but they can still cause damage when used improperly. For example, if your backpack is so heavy and you start leaning forward, this can actually cause damage over time. This can cause the shoulders to become rounded and the upper back to become curved. This can lead to neck, shoulder and back pain.

When you don’t use your backpack properly, it can lead to poor posture but it can also harm your circulation. If your straps are too tight, they can dig into your shoulders and pinch nerves. This can cause numbness and weakness in your hands and arms.

If you are concerned about your current backpack, it’s probably time for a new one. If it’s difficult to get your backpack on or off, you have back pain, or if you need to lean forward to carry your backpack, it’s time to upgrade to something new!

If you’re struggling with back or neck pain, contact Premier Health Chiropractors. We can help you with any of your chiropractic needs, and we can give you ideas for finding a safe backpack for yourself or for your children. When searching for a new backpack, be sure that it has two padded and preferably wide straps that can go over your shoulders. Backpacks with waist belts can also help to distribute weight evenly across the body, as well as backpacks with multiple compartments.

The positioning of your backpack is also important. Before loading your backpack or putting it on, adjust the straps so the bag sits close to your back. You do not want the backpack to reach your lower back, which means the straps are too long. Pack the heaviest items closest to your back and distribute school supplies evenly in different compartments.

If you try out a new backpack are still suffering from back or neck pain, try a backpack with wheels. Not all schools allow backpacks with wheels since they can be a safety hazard, but it’s worth looking into. Otherwise, Premier Health Chiropractors is always here to help you with your chiropractic needs. Contact us today to schedule your child’s back to school chiropractic appointment!

2022 Archive Healthy Living