Benefits of Early Detection


early-detectionMany people find relief from back and neck pain by receiving treatment from a chiropractor. Chiropractors address back and neck pain from previous injuries, current injuries, and both chronic and acute health issues. Many chronic and acute health issues can be treated by a Doctor of Chiropractic. Premier Health Chiropractors are licensed and certified. Chiropractors provide treatment, adjustments and manipulation, emphasizing on the spine and the neck . Chiropractors provide treatment which increases range of motion, corrects postural and spinal misalignment and increases joint mobility. Many people have found that chiropractic care can offer relief to their discomfort and pain when traditional medical approaches have failed.

People who have not found relief from surgery or pain medication can be encouraged that chiropractic care may be able to provide an alternative treatment with outstanding results. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to manipulate the spine and the neck to correct postural imbalances and promote stability and strength to weakened areas. Premier Health Chiropractors will complete a medical history and obtain information regarding your current health issues and concerns. They will complete an initial exam to determine whether chiropractic care and treatment are right for you. Our chiropractors use several evaluation tools including a postural assessment and a spinal evaluation.

A postural assessment is a tool chiropractors use to identify areas of concern and postural misalignment. Postural misalignment often indicate areas of injury or weakness. Chiropractors may want take a picture or several pictures to aid in treatment. Postural assessments allow the chiropractor to visually observe areas that are not in balance. For example, one leg may be longer or shorter than the other. Premier Health Chiropractors will determine through manipulation techniques whether the imbalance is correctable, or whether it requires compensatory techniques. The postural screen is a great tool for assessing any areas of concern regarding balance and alignment.

Another tool used by our chiropractors is a spinal evaluation. The spinal evaluation looks for specific concerns that may be present in your spine. The natural curvature of the spine is affected by poor posture, injury and illness. The spinal evaluation looks at the curvature of the spine to determine if there are any areas of concern or weakness. Spinal evaluations also look for postural misalignment in the spine. The imbalances and misalignment in the spine can often be addressed by a chiropractor. Early detection and early treatment can decrease the discomfort and possible need for surgery.

Early detection is the goal of both a postural evaluation and a spinal evaluation. These evaluation tools are used effectively by our chiropractors to determine the individualized treatment plan for you. In addition, the evaluations are an easy way for you and your chiropractor to work together to meet your healthcare needs. Contact Premier Health Chiropractors today and set up your screening appointment.

2019 Archive Healthy Living