Easy Ways To Lose Five Pounds


If you need a little boost to get your New Year’s resolutions back on track, or maybe you’re looking to slim down before spring break, it’s easier than you think. You can lose those 5 extra pounds by simply changing your daily routine and by paying close attention to your eating habits. Eventually, the pounds will fall off before your eyes!

One of the biggest mistakes people make is eating too fast and forgetting to chew their food. Not only is eating too fast and forgetting to chew terrible for your digestion, but it also packs on the pounds. Realistically, you should chew every mouthful at least 35 times each. Plus, you will actually feel fuller more quickly.

To improve digestion, and to help with weight loss, drink hot water with a fresh lemon every morning. Start with a cup of purified lukewarm water and squeeze ½ of the lemon into each glass before your first meal or before working out. Lemon water is great for weight loss and digestion, but it also cleanses your body, boosts your immune system, balances pH levels, keeps you energized, clears skin, and hydrates your lymph system. Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps to fight hunger cravings. If you start your day off good and healthy, you will be more likely to make healthy choices throughout the entire day! It also helps to start out the day with a filling breakfast, such as a bowl of oatmeal.

Plan your meals ahead of time to ensure that you’re getting a good variety of foods each week and that you never settle for something processed and unhealthy at the last minute. Plus, skipping meals is actually terrible for your body and causes your body to go into “fat storing starvation mode” which makes it harder to burn calories. When your meals are planned, you’ll always be prepared and less likely to skip meals.

Don’t forget about the importance of sleep and strength training! Your body needs time to rest each night, so 7 to 9 hours each night is ideal. Plus, muscle strengthening and stretching are great for weight loss and help you to feel your best on a daily basis.

For more tips and suggestions on nutrition, weight loss, and overall health and wellness, please contact Premier Health Chiropractors and we will help you to feel your best in no time. Premier Health can also provide you with excellent chiropractic care and chiropractic adjustments. You may also be interested in trying acupuncture, corrective exercises, massage therapy, therapeutic exercises, ice-heat therapy, muscle stimulation, nutritional counseling, sports chiropractic, or Pilates.

To make an appointment with a chiropractor at Premier Health, please contact us to schedule an appointment. Premier Health can be the perfect solution for you, just give us a call!

2022 Archive Healthy Living