The Quality of Your Emotions Determine the Quality of Your Life


Wellness Wednesday – The Quality of Your Emotions Determine the Quality of Your Life

Hello, you guys. Welcome back to this week’s Wellness Wednesday. Yes, it is Wednesday yet again, in our current quarantine pandemic. This week, I wanted to talk about what we’re in control of, because I know a lot of us feel like we’re kind of out of control of a lot things. I was inspired by, yet again, another thing that Ashley brought up to me as she was watching Rachel Hollis’s RISE retreats live.

She was telling me about how a brilliant mind, named Ed Majella, was talking about how the quality of your life is completely determined by the quality of your emotions. It was completely profound to both of us because, how often do we see people that, you look at them and it seems as if they have everything, yet it doesn’t seem like they’re very happy? Or vice versa, you look at their lives and they don’t seemingly have much, or they’ve gone through so much hardship, yet they are so innately happy?

And it’s not that, happy is a state, they’re joyful. That’s a better term, joyful. Meaning, they’re able to truly find joy in the little things. I think it proves such a point that we’re really in control of our own joy, our own state and quality of life, because we’re never going to have everything go easily. We’re going to be faced with intense challenges, and they’re all going to look different.

My challenges are going to look completely different to everybody else’s challenges that walk to the door, who I encounter, who I don’t. Everybody’s challenges are going to be different, but they’re going to be challenges nonetheless, to each individual person. And they’re going to be hard. And they’re going to seem like, throughout those times, like joy and happiness are impossible. But what happens is the people who take control of their emotions and the people who face them and decide to choose joy and decide to take control of them through those times, those are the people that are going to find joy and lead the best quality lives.

It’s not just a stroke of luck for people that you look at, and you’re like, “Oh, they’re always so happy.” It’s hard work sometimes, you have to work through those emotions. You have to work to choose to look at those positive aspects of life. So it’s not just like, “Oh, well, she’s just saying, ‘Choose to be happy. Don’t face all those hard things.'” You have to face it. You have to look at everything and you have to own it.

So it’s not just an easy thing. I fully, fully get that, but I just wanted to go back to the fact that I think it’s a very profound thought that I think is especially important right now that, in a time where people feel like there’s so much out of control in their lives, where we’re in a mandate where we have to stay home for so much of our lives, so many things that we want to do, so many people that we want to see that we just can’t, the people that are finding the most joy and the most happiness and are truly thriving the most, are the people that are getting creative. That are maximizing the various opportunities to find cool, new, unique outlets for this.

And so, I know it’s easy when you’re kind of down in the dumps about it, to just be like, “Ugh, of course, they can do that,” and be a little bit bitter and resentful towards it. But maybe take that gulp down, but reach out and ask. Ask how they’re changing their viewpoint. Ask how they’ve been finding ways to overcome some of these battles. Because, I can guarantee you, for these people that have been thriving, it hasn’t been just a walk in the park. It’s been a choice to do it day in and day out, and it’s not always a successful choice that they’re making. It takes effort.

So I think that, as we continue to go through this pandemic, and that as we come out of it through the aftermath of all of it, especially with the effect that it has on all of our loved ones and the small businesses and everything, this is a part where we really have to choose to control our emotions so that we can have our emotions have a positive effect on the quality of our life. I hope that that helps and I hope that everybody can really take this to heart. Have a great week, you guys, and I will check in next week. Bye, guys.


2020 Archive Healthy Living