Start Your Week Off Right With Meatless Mondays


If you haven’t hopped on to the Meatless Monday bandwagon yet, now is the perfect time to start. Going meatless even one full day each week is good for your body and your budget. Meatless meals generally cost less to make, and according to The Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, vegetarian and vegan diets can help you to lose weight and feel your best.

Along with weight loss, vegetarian diets also help to improve cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, and reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes, and other medical conditions. Although it may seem overwhelming to go meatless even for one day, many people find that it’s much easier than they expected.

In order to have a successful Meatless Monday, you first need to know what to eat. The easiest thing to do is to eat what you would already eat, but leave the meat out. If your meal is typically centered around animal products, you’ll need to get creative and use the opportunity to explore new food options.

If you usually eat eggs and bacon for breakfast, try a fruit smoothie or heart-healthy oatmeal instead. If you usually have leftovers for lunch, save them for the next day and have a veggie wrap or veggie burger instead. Many delis or fast food restaurants have a vegetarian or vegan option, so just be sure to ask for the vegetarian or vegan option if you’re in need of something quick. If you have time to prepare your lunch in the morning, even a peanut butter and jelly sandwich will do the trick! To make it even healthier than the standard peanut butter and jelly, use fresh jam with no added sugars, organic peanut butter, and whole grain bread.

For dinner, try spaghetti with marinara sauce and vegetables, or bean and veggie chili. Once you get the hang of it, it will get easier and easier each week. Plus, your body will thank you as you begin to incorporate more veggies and whole grains into your diet.

Meatless Mondays may sound daunting, but it’s a great practice to incorporate into your week. Once you’re comfortable going meatless one day each week, try it two or three days each week. You will find that there are more and more pre-packaged and readily-available vegetarian options in stores and many people find that they taste like their favorite traditional foods. However, it is important to remember to center your diet around whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, and limit the amount of processed foods that you consume.

If you’re looking to lose weight, The Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine suggests eating a variety of hot cereals or high-fiber cold cereals for breakfasts, legume or grain-based salads and whole grain veggie wraps or sandwiches for lunches, and have dinners centered around whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and starches. Check out some of their other ideas here.

If you’re looking for weight loss support or nutritional counseling, contact Premier Health today. Our licensed and experienced chiropractors are here to guide you and assist you during your transition to living a healthier lifestyle.

2015 Archive Healthy Living