10 Health Resolutions That are Easy to Keep


Most people start the New Year by making resolutions. More often than not, resolutions are centered around health. However, resolutions are hard to keep, especially when it involves making a drastic life change. It is easy to avoid keeping ambiguous resolutions such as losing weight or eating healthier. If you, like many people, struggle to achieve your big New Year’s resolutions, focusing on the steps required to get to your ultimate goal may be easier than trying to achieve the big picture. Even small health changes can have a significant impact by the end of the year if you stick to them. Here are 10 small, easy-to-do resolutions that can help you achieve big results.

  1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Many of us reach for a hot cup of coffee before eating or drinking anything else. However, drinking a full, eight-ounce glass of water can leave you feeling more refreshed than coffee. You can, of course, still drink your coffee, but try starting your day with a glass of water and see how you feel after a week.
  2. Drink more water. Starting your day with a glass of water is a great way to start drinking more water. Many people do not drink enough water to stay hydrated throughout the day. Being well-hydrated can help fight fatigue, improve your mood and help with digestion, among other benefits.
  3. Go outside every day. If walking to your car before and after work is the only time you spend outside, make a goal of getting outside for an activity each day. Getting outside even for a 10-minute walk can help you feel energized and refreshed.
  4. Start a relaxing hobby. Hobbies such as knitting and crocheting have meditative effects due to the repetitive motions of making stitches. Learning a new craft can be stressful, but it is rewarding in the end. You can also use your hobby to help other people by donating the items you make to local nonprofits.
  5. Put down electronics before going to bed. Looking at your phone or watching TV right before bed can disrupt your sleep cycles by making it more difficult to fall asleep. Reading a book right before bed is less straining on your eyes and it can help you relax before going to sleep.
  6. Follow portion sizes for meals. How often do you read the recommended portion sizes on nutrition labels? Most of us don’t bother. However, simply portioning out your food can often be more effective than eliminating certain “bad” foods altogether.
  7. Focus on mental health. Many health-related goals focus on eating well and exercising. While those steps are important, you need to take your mental health just as seriously. Decluttering your house, volunteering, cutting back on social media, journaling or meditating can all have a positive impact on your mental health.
  8. Focus on your posture. Having good posture might not seem like a health goal at first. However, good posture can help you avoid back pain while also boosting your energy. Sitting up straight is sure to make you feel more productive and confident as well.
  9. Schedule regular doctors’ appointments. If you usually forego your annual physical or dental appointment, resolve to make an appointment in the next few months. Even if you feel healthy, an appointment helps you receive preventative care.
  10. Try alternative therapies. In addition to conventional doctors’ appointments, resolve to try a new type of therapy as well, such as chiropractic. Chiropractic care can be used to complement or even replace conventional therapies for numerous conditions.
2022 Archive Healthy Living