Use Safe Sunscreens This Summer


In areas like Minnesota, we try to make the most out of each warm and sunny day. Plus, the sunshine helps to fulfill our vitamin D requirements. Unfortunately, we still have to be careful that we don’t receive too much sun exposure. While the sun is good for our health, we know that it can also cause skin cancer and painful sunburns. Sunburns are the result of receiving too much sunlight, so you want to avoid getting to that point.

The daily recommendation for vitamin D varies on a person’s age and skin color, but can average at around 15 minutes per day for a fair skinned person, or even up to two hours for a dark skinned person. A short walk is usually all you need to get your daily dosage of vitamin D.

However, you’re going to want to cover up or use a safe, non-toxic sunscreen if you’ll be in the sun for a while. Use the Environmental Working Group’s handy 2015 safe sun guide to find a list of safe sunscreens to use, and learn which sunscreens should be avoided. Check out the best beach and sport sunscreens here and take a look at the worst. The worst sunscreens contain harmful ingredients such as retinyl palmitate or oxybenzone.

Sunscreens are meant to protect you, but they can actually cause worse health problems if you choose the wrong ones. Many sunscreens contain ingredients that disrupt hormones or cause skin allergies. Many sunscreens also contain vitamin A, which may actually speed the development of skin cancer. When shopping for sunscreens, it’s important to read labels and do research to find the best option for you and your family. Many safe sunscreens can be found at natural food stores, co-ops, or even online.

If you can’t find a safe sunscreen before your next day in the sun, there are some other ways to protect yourself. Wearing long pants, shirts, or even a hat can protect your skin from the sun. Going outdoors in the early morning or late afternoon is also smart. You should also try to spend as much time in the shade as possible.

If you’re new to shopping for safe sunscreens, be sure to check out the Environmental Working Group’s safe sun guide, and look for brands such as Alba Botanica, Jason Natural Cosmetics, and Yes to Cucumbers.

If you’re looking for a more natural approach to addressing your other health concerns, chiropractic care is another great option. Chiropractic care offers natural and non-invasive methods for reducing pain and inflammation in the body. Premier Health Chiropractors can help you and your family with a wide variety of signs and symptoms so you can feel better this summer, and all year long. Contact us today!

2015 Archive Healthy Living